Picture of people moving house<br />

Help to get you through your home move


Moving home is a significant event in life, signifying new beginnings and fresh opportunities. While it’s an exciting venture, the process can be quite daunting without proper planning. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore valuable advice for individuals and families moving home, with a special emphasis on the importance of getting broadband and utilities arranged.


Plan Your Move Carefully


Before you start packing boxes, meticulous planning is essential. Create a detailed checklist that covers all aspects of your move, including:

  •  Setting a moving date
  • Hiring professional movers or arranging transportation
  • Sorting and decluttering your belongings
  • Notifying relevant parties of your address change
  • Arranging utilities and broadband services
  • Packing efficiently and labelling boxes
  • A well-organised plan will help keep you on track and alleviate stress during the move.


Declutter and Streamline


Before packing, take the time to declutter your home. Ask yourself if you truly need each item. Donate, sell, or recycle things you no longer use or need. This not only reduces the number of items you have to move but also simplifies the packing and unpacking process and is better for the environment.


Arrange Utilities and Broadband Services


The importance of arranging utilities and broadband services cannot be overstated. Here’s what you should do:

  • Utilities:
    • Contact your current utility providers to inform them of your move and schedule disconnection at your old address.
    •  Research and contact utility providers in your new area well in advance. Arrange for new connections to be set up before your move-in date. If you’d like to find out who your suppliers are feel free to get in touch and we’ll let you know
  • Broadband Services:
    • Contact your current broadband provider and discuss your move. They may be able to transfer your service to your new address, or get in touch and we’ll help you find a great deal for your new home, or have a look here.
    •  Research broadband options in your new area. Compare providers, plans, and prices to find the best fit for your needs.
    •  Consider using a “broadband express service” offered by some providers (like ourselves). These services prioritise your setup, ensuring you have internet access as close to when you move in as possible.


Pack Thoughtfully and Efficiently


Packing efficiently is a crucial part of a successful move. Keep these tips in mind: 

  • Use sturdy boxes, packing paper, and bubble wrap to protect your items.
  • Start packing early, beginning with items you don’t use frequently.
  • Label each box clearly with its contents and the room it belongs to.
  • Pack an essentials box with items you’ll need immediately, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents.


Notify Relevant Parties


Ensure a smooth transition by updating your address and notifying key parties: 

  • Inform your post office and utility companies of your address change and consider a redirection or your post through Royal mail, you can find out more here
  •  Update your address with banks, insurance providers, and government agencies.
  •  Notify friends and family of your new contact information.
  •  Transfer or cancel subscriptions and services associated with your old address.


Unpacking and Settling In


When you arrive at your new home, take your time with the unpacking process. Unpack room by room, starting with essentials. This approach prevents your new space from feeling overwhelming and allows you to settle in gradually.


Embrace Your New Home


Finally, embrace the opportunity for a fresh start and make your new place feel like a home. Explore your new neighbourhood, introduce yourself to neighbours, and personalise your space. Moving home is a chance for new beginnings and exciting adventures in your new environment.

So what does all this mean?

Moving home is a significant life event that can be both exhilarating and challenging. By following these tips and recognizing the importance of arranging utilities and broadband services in advance, you can make your move a smooth and stress-free transition. Whether you choose a broadband express service or take the traditional route, careful planning and organization will ensure that your new home becomes a haven of comfort and cherished memories. Happy moving!

We’re experts at helping people get their broadband sorted for their new home including our express service for those in a hurry!.

Why not have a look at our great deals, start by searching your postcode here?

Worried about how to setup your new router? Click here for advice to help you get the best speeds you can!

Why Home Unity?


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We work hard to make sure our services are fairly priced, we're not interested in charging the earth for simple things, we just give great products at fair prices.

Right connection

We make sure you have the right connection

We will give you an estimated speed before you order, if our service is not within a reasonable range, you can cancel your contact without penalty.


Switching broadband supplier is made easy

We have our own UK based call centre to make sure changing broadband supplier is easy, in most cases you won't even need to contact your current provider.


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We have deals that give you flexibility, from short term contracts, to changing your product mid term, whatever you need - we've got you covered!